Summer mystery revealed! I did said that there's a mystery I will reveal this issue.
Last couple of weeks I was working hard on adding the software for you to claim YOUR card space on this cardmaking website. Yes, that's the mystery.
Claim YOUR Card Space Now!
Upload your homemade cards to the website and let your creations be viewed by thousands and thousands of people from all over the world each day. Not only that, for as long as this cardmaking website is maintained and online, your creations will stay there not just to be viewed by your generation alone but for all generations to come. So Click Here to Share Your Cards
Within the last few days since the software was activated, a few readers who visited the website has already uploaded their handmade cards to the two spaces: Your Father's Day Cards
Your Birthday Cards
So remember to view the published cards too and scroll to the bottom of each page to add your comments.
More To Come
Why am I so excited about this software? Because soon we'll be able to introduce contests and challenges to the website and be able to vote and win prizes too. Cool, right?
And that's not all - I hope to enable you to really have your own space - your card corner on the website. This means that you will be able to have all your handmade cards in one place. We tried doing this before but then you had to email me your cards and I had to edit and upload each page at a time. This was not so feasible as it was time consuming and furthermore there was no way for visitors to add their comments to your cards.
Anyway, in the next few days and months, I will be thinking about how to fully utilize this software to help you have a more entertaining experience online.
Meanwhile, keep posting to the existing YOUR Card Spaces. Have fun!
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If you enjoy reading this newsletter, and like to share it with your family or friends, please feel free to forward this newsletter to them. In fact, I appreciate very much your forwarding it to them. Thank you.
GreetingNews! is dedicated to helping cardcrafters be more creative and fulfilled--to discover and celebrate creativity and connect with others through card making and sending. What follows are tips, techniques, quotes, resources and shortcuts to making more great cards in less time with less money and having fun in the process. I'm always on the lookout for information to help you live creativity and connect more effectively.
I send this publication only to those who have requested it. I do not sell, rent or give out my mailing lists. If you find this newsletter to be of value, I invite and encourage you to forward it to your friends.
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Celebrating Creativity! Connecting Lives!
Finally, to you and yours, have a wonderful summer.
Flora Tan
GreetingNews! is a monthly publication of
Copyright 2004 - 2008 FlorenceArt!, All rights reserved worldwide.
Mailing Address:
Flora Tan
Blk 16 #04-11
Kallang Place
Singapore 339156
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