It's the time of the year to make resolutions and send well wishes to friends, family members and business associates.
This is also the time to say "Thank You"
to loved ones and others for all that they have done for us. For me personally, I like to give thanks for all the wonderful things that God has bestowed upon my life this one great year.
I want to thank God for enabling me to build a website for my hobby and help me to reach out to cardcrafters all over the world. I also want to give thanks for strength to meet all the changes in my life throughout 2005 - especially moving house twice within 6 months. And for good health to enjoy life to the fullest.
Most of all, I give thanks for you, my readers, for your well-wishes, positive feedbacks, RAKs of handmade cards, and contribution to the website.
In This Issue:
:: Card Making Quote Of The Month
:: Clipart/Template To Download
:: Send Handmade Holidays Greetings This Christmas!
:: New Cards On The Site
:: Feedback & Contributions
Card Making Quote Of The Month
"Christmas! The very word brings joy to our hearts. No matter how we may dread the rush, the long Christmas lists for gifts and cards to be bought and given -- when Christmas Day comes there is still the same warm feeling we had as children, the same warmth that enfolds our hearts and our homes."
~ Joan Winmill Brown
Clipart/Template To Download
Here a full page of Christmas cliparts and sayings for download.
Download Now!
Also you can download the Decorate A Calendar pack here. You will notice that you will not
be charge a fee for download. All that is asked is a DONATION for as low as a dollar ($1.00) to help maintain the website and keep it going and growing for all cardcrafters.
Send Handmade Holidays Greetings This Christmas!
I love Christmas! Even before fully understanding the true meaning of Christmas, I was always fascinated by the happy spirit of the Christmas season. It is a joy to walk down Orchard Road in Singapore and see the
lights, mingle with other shoppers and be entertained by roadshows, performances and listen to christmas chorus singing.
Christmas is also a time when my friends and I exchanged Christmas cards and gifts. Well, now that there's emails, more of my friends are resorting to sending e-cards instead. To me, it's just not the same as finding a paper Christmas card in my mail box. When I hold a Christmas
card in my hands, I know that my friend took the time to pen the greetings, no matter how brief, and sign the card. And that gives me a good warm feeling.
I believe that many others feel the same too. Therefore, I would encourage every one to send Christmas cards to friends and family every year. It is a good family tradition and being that, it should be kept and passed down to all generations.
Better still, a month or two before Christmas, start making your own Christmas cards by yourself, with friends or with the children. These
are moments that will be remembered forever. And then the wonderful task of
sending the handmade cards far and wide, bringing cheer and goodwill
to friends and family members. What a joy!
New Cards On Site
View cards by Jeanette Morgan, Ying Pang and Lola Lim on Readers' Cards.
You can view their cards by clicking here.
If you like to have your handmade cards showcased on,
please do send me a note. I have also added lots of Christmas sayings and Christian Christmas quotes to the Card Verses section. I hope that these verses and quotes will be helpful in your Christmas cardmaking.
Feedback & Contributions
Feedback - I welcome and encourage you to share your comments and suggestions.
Click here
to send me your feedback.
GreetingNews! is dedicated to helping cardcrafters be more creative and fulfilled--to discover and celebrate creativity and connect with others through card making and sending. What follows are tips, techniques, quotes, resources and shortcuts to making more great cards in less time with less money and having fun in the process. I'm always on the lookout for information to help you live creativity and connect more effectively.
I send this publication only to those who have requested it. I do not sell, rent or give out my mailing lists. If you find this newsletter to be of value, I invite and encourage you to forward it to your friends.
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Celebrating Creativity! Connecting Lives!
Make it a Great Day! Send Someone A Homemade Christmas Card Today!
Flora Tan
GreetingNews! is a monthly publication of
Copyright ©2005-2006FlorenceArt!, All rights reserved worldwide.
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