Welcome to another issue of GreetingNews!--published for all my valued subscribers. I'm grateful to be able to connect with you and appreciate your readership.
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GreetingNews! is dedicated to helping cardcrafters be more creative and fulfilled--to discover and celebrate creativity and connect with others through card making and sending. What follows are tips, techniques, quotes, resources and shortcuts to making more great cards in less time with less money and having fun in the process. I'm always on the lookout for information to help you live creativity and connect more effectively.
Well, I am now able to spend more time on card making and will be uploading more cards, templates, techniques and tips on the website so do visit more often.
I will also be putting up more pages on my other website, www.greeting-cards-home-based-business.com, which is dedicated mainly to those who are contemplating turning their card making hobby into a work at home business.
In This Issue:
:: Card Making Quote of The Month
:: Clipart/Template To Download
:: The Therapeutic Effect Of Card Making
:: New Cards On The Site
:: Feedback & Contributions
Card Making Quote Of The Month
"Poets do not go mad; but chess-players do. Mathematicians go mad, and cashiers; but creative artists very seldom." ~ Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Clipart/Template To Download
I will be adding cliparts and templates each month and will provide the relevant links here for you to download them. So starting from next month, look out for them.
The Therapeutic Effect Of Card Making
Yesterday at a local stamp store, a lady was purchasing some rubber stamping stuff. She had her little boy with her and the moment I stepped into the store I felt the tension in the shop. She was just not happy and was very angry with her son. Actually when I got to the door she was throwing her crying son out. Not knowing the situation, I was naturally shocked by her behaviour.
I walked around the shop looking and yet not seeing the stamps. Usually, I love just to browse around in the shop. The rubber stamps and other stamping essentials usually give me that relaxing effect but not then. Later, when she left with her young son, the atmosphere was back to normal and I began to shop and enjoyed myself thoroughly. When I was going to pay for my stuff, I got acquainted with another lady who was there earlier than me and we, with the store lady, began to chit-chat about card making, etc. Of course, we mentioned the other lady with the young hyperactive son and found out that actually, she was a very nice lady but under lots of stress due to the nature of her job and also her son. Knowing that, I am very glad that she is into card making. Stress is a bad enemy but card making is therapeutic. When you are at the kitchen counter or dinning table, engrossed in that small 6 by 5 piece of card stock, trying to decide where to place your images, what color combination to use, etc., you are in a world of your own. And the stress and problems of the outside world is closed out.
Thus in making that card for someone you care, you discover yourself. You play with colors; green, purple, yellow, red and blue. You are in touch with beauty and creativity. In that short moment of concentrated creativity, you recharge yourself. And when the card is done, the recipient's address written, and the appropriate postage licked and pasted, you stood up and stretched yourself. You felt good and relaxed. And you know you are ready to come out and meet the outside world with confidence again.
So next time when you feel stressed, take a shower, get into comfortable attire and make a card for someone you love.
New Cards On Site
Mayanthi Samarawickrama, a reader from Sri Lanka, sent me some cards she made with dried flowers. You can view her card here. It's the first card on the page. Pressing flowers is a technique I would like to get into. So I went in search of it online and found Sandra Fisher's Flower Pressing Secrets - the Art of Flower Pressing. I have also put up a dragonfly card with instructions. I love dragonflies and had bought lots of dragonfly's stamps. But with
this card, I used a royalty free dragonfly image and print out on a piece of heat resistant transparency with my computer. Take a look.
Feedback & Contributions
Feedback - I welcome and encourage you to share your comments and suggestions.
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to send me your feedback.
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Purpose Statement:
To inform and inspire people to discover their creative self and create art and connect with others through card making and sending. Celebrating Creativity! Connecting Lives!
Make it a Great Day! Send Someone A Homemade Card Today!
Flora Tan
GreetingNews! is a monthly publication of
Copyright ©2005FlorenceArt!, All rights reserved worldwide.
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