Updating You About The Card Making Website?

What's happening to the card making website and newsletter? This is what most of you are asking. So I thought I should send you this short note to let you know what's happening at making-greeting-cards.com.

First and foremost, when you go to the website, you'll notice that the card making website has a new facelift. For the past months, I have been spending most of my available time rebuilding the website. The main idea is to provide you with better and user-friendly navigations and to add more cardmaking projects, techniques and goodies to the site.

In This Issue:

:: What's New!

:: Collectable Quote for Card Making

:: A Peek into the Next Issue

What's New!

Since Mother's Day is just less than two weeks away, I'm sure most of you are making Mother's Day cards; and if you are not making a batch of them, at least you'll be making one very special card for your very special mom.

So I have put aside my other works on the site and concentrate on the Mother's Day cards pages and the result is :

~ the Mothers Day cards have been rebuilt and you can view them by clicking on this link : Mother's Day Cards

~ two pages of Mother's Day poems have been added : Mother's Day Poems

~ a full page of Mother's Day quotes for those who like to use a short quote inside the card or as part of your card design : Mother's Day Quotes

~ a Mother's Day gift you can make using any one of the poems : A Mother's Day Gift

Collectable Quote for Card Making

"I want my children to have all the things I couldn't afford. Then I want to move in with them."

~ Phyllis Diller

click here for more funny Mother's Day quotes like this.

A Peek into the Next Issue

Mystery!!! Hint: Something that I've been working on and which all of you will be able to get involved. What??? Find out next month.

Forward this Newsletter to your Family or Friends.

If you enjoy reading this newsletter, and like to share it with your family or friends, please feel free to forward this newsletter to them. In fact, I appreciate very much your forwarding it to them. Thank you.

GreetingNews! is dedicated to helping cardcrafters be more creative and fulfilled--to discover and celebrate creativity and connect with others through card making and sending. What follows are tips, techniques, quotes, resources and shortcuts to making more great cards in less time with less money and having fun in the process. I'm always on the lookout for information to help you live creativity and connect more effectively.

I send this publication only to those who have requested it. I do not sell, rent or give out my mailing lists. If you find this newsletter to be of value, I invite and encourage you to forward it to your friends.

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Celebrating Creativity! Connecting Lives!

Finally, to you and yours, a very Happy Mother's Day.

Flora Tan

GreetingNews! is a monthly publication of www.making-greeting-cards.com

Copyright ©2004 - 2008 FlorenceArt!, All rights reserved worldwide.

Mailing Address:

Flora Tan

Blk 16 #04-11

Kallang Place

Singapore 339156

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