by Peggy Dyar
(Marengo, IL)
I first took a picture of my cat (Kit Carson). I then used Vertus Fluid Mask software to remove the old background.
I purchased each of the following Royalty Free illustrations: the Christmas tree, the mouse, and the Santa hat.
Using Corel Paint Shop Pro, I created a new layer for each piece.
The background layer is a gradient, making the area that is behind the tree darker to bring out the colors in the tree. I lightened up the area behind Kit to highlight his color.
I placed Kit's picture, then added the mouse. Using the features in Corel to resize, place, rotate and move the Santa Hat, I placed that on the mouse.
When all was done, I merged the layers down to a .png file and resized it for printing.
The inside verse was just created as a Text object in a new file again using layers for each line of text.
I then used bright-white cardboard stock to print both the cover and inside verse. The only thing left to do was sign the cards, address the envelopes and mail.
My family and friends commented on "how CUTE" the personalized card was.